Classroom Behavior

Access to higher education is a privilege. It is earned by one’s prior academic achievement, one’s demonstrated abilities and interests, and one’s ability to benefit from instruction. Once gained by admittance to the college, the privilege needs to be guarded and maintained. Actions and behavior that violate the college’s published administrative and academic policies and procedures, and academic records that do not meet the college’s Standards of Academic Progress, may lead to student suspension from class or from the college. Students are especially reminded that appropriate classroom behavior is prescribed by the instructor. If an instructor determines that certain behaviors are disruptive or affect the instructional purposes of the classroom, the instructor may impose certain sanctions. These include suspension from the class for the day affected or a three consecutive school day suspension. The latter sanction must be accompanied by a written statement of the incident which must be sent to the dean of Student Services. The dean will conduct a hearing to resolve the case and may impose further sanctions, if warranted. In all cases, the student will be informed of all action taken on behalf of the college.