Short-Term Professional Training and Continuing Education

Programs for Lifelong Learning

Triton's Continuing Education programs provide community access to lifelong learning by providing courses, workshops, seminars and conferences at convenient neighborhood locations, as well as on the campus. All programs are based on a continuous assessment of community needs.

The Continuing Education Guide is sent to every home in Triton's district several times each year. The guide lists courses in a variety of categories. These courses focus on developing skills valuable to the work world and on constructive, enriching use of leisure time. Courses related to obtaining a job or enhancing a career include clerical skills training, accounting, real estate licensing, computer skills and many more. Leisure time courses teach drawing techniques, gourmet food preparation, languages and photography, as well as yoga, aerobics and swimming. New courses are constantly being developed, many with the aid of community residents who have a desire to teach or learn something special. For information on general Continuing Education programs, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3500.

Career Development

A major goal of Short Term Professional Training and Continuing Education is to provide assistance to district adults at various stages of their working lives.

Short-Term Professional Training

Short-term training programs offered through the School of Continuing Education are designed for those who are seeking to upgrade their employment skills, enter new fields or gain skills to earn a second income. Many of these training programs are unique to Triton. Short-term training programs include computer software training, office executive, general office clerk, pharmacy technician, certified nursing assistant, paralegal, bookkeeping, and career enhancement seminars. For more information and orientation dates on short-term training programs, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3500.

Center for Business and Professional Development

Besides the job preparation and professional development courses offered in the general Continuing Education Program, Triton also is committed to meeting the challenge of rapidly changing technology and regulations by designing and sponsoring programs to train, retrain and upgrade the skills of individuals in business and industry. The Center for Business and Professional Development (CBPD) offers on-site training programs tailored to the specific needs of local businesses. These programs are taught by experts in the fields of industry, business and government. Topics include management/supervisory development, technical training and computer software training. For information on these programs, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3489 or visit us on the web at

Center for Health Professionals 

Center for Health Professionals develops and offers quality continuing education programs for health care providers and those interested in pursuing an entry-level position in health care or upgrading existing skill sets. Programs are designed with input from health professionals and professional associations to assist those in practitioner, supervisor/manager and educator positions to more effectively meet their responsibilities. Newly emerging concepts of health care, principles, theories and research findings — which will enhance the professional's knowledge and enable practice at increasingly higher levels of excellence — are presented. Programs are presented in health-care institutions, corporate offices and other sites, as well as on campus, and are offered at various times to accommodate the active health professional with specific scheduling needs. Call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3709.

Triton College Youth Programming

Every semester through Continuing Education, Triton offers a variety of programs for young learners ages 4 and up. From art to computer science, swimming to robotics, Triton College Youth Programming represents a constantly growing and expanding curriculum that strives to maintain its programming perspective to the world in which we live. Programs include: 1) specially designed age-specific courses open to all children ages 4-15; 2) courses scheduled on-campus and at select community sites.

Programs employ various teaching techniques and instructional activities using projects, presentation and discovery learning to fully enrich the learning of young people. Triton College Youth Programming’s principal objective is to complement regular school schedules and activities with recreational and educational learning experiences aimed to engage and promote the development of a young person's interest and desire to learn. Through challenging, entertaining and enlightening topics and formats, Triton College Youth Programming’s goal is to constructively contribute to an educational foundation that inspires youngsters to be stimulated, motivated and encouraged about learning both today and tomorrow.

For more information on Triton College Youth Programming, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3500, or visit us on the web at

The Lifelong Learning Series

The Lifelong Learning Series offers courses that are designed to provide intellectual, social, cultural, and recreational opportunities for adults, including seniors. These courses cover a variety of subjects including literature, drama, philosophy, fitness, swimming, dancing, music, computer literacy, driver education, and many others. Adults of all ages are welcome in all of Triton's programs, some special courses are also offered for seniors (age 60 and older). For more information about courses and other activities, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3500, or visit us on the web at

Cultural Programming

The Triton College Performing Arts Center is the setting for a variety of cultural activities ranging from ballet and plays to puppetry and musicals. The programs vary each year and offer district residents a cultural center in their neighborhood as well as trips to operas, plays and concerts. For information on current programs, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3757.

Recreation and Self-Improvement

Triton encourages adults of all ages and educational backgrounds to turn leisure time into creative, productive opportunities. Adults can sample various kinds of exercise, games, sports, hobbies, crafts, art, music and dance. Qualified experts create informal classrooms in which participants can express themselves.

Self-improvement courses enable individuals and groups, young and old, to benefit from new skills. Many classes enhance the students' opportunities to learn for profit as well as pleasure. For more information, call Continuing Education at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3500

RSVP Volunteer Program

A national volunteer program, locally sponsored by Triton College, RSVP provides individuals an opportunity to impact their community through volunteer service activities. RSVP volunteers serve in capacities, which call on their experiences, skills, training, interest and willingness to keep learning. A few volunteer service activities examples are friendly visitors, tax assistance, thrift store sorters, homeless shelter aide, clerical, advocate and career mentors. Volunteers play an important role; for volunteer opportunities and information, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3835 or 3603.

Active Retired Citizens Club

The Active Retired Citizens Club (ARCC) is an activity and social club for community residents who are young at heart, and interested in expanding their social and intellectual life through adult education and community programs. ARCC meets twice monthly; the first and third Fridays of the month. Dues are $10. For more information call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3896.