Adult Education Programs

Adult Education (AE) programs are designed to assist students gain the skills or certification needed to take college courses or pursue career pathways that lead to better employment opportunities. The department is composed of the following areas: English as a Second Language (ESL), High School Equivalency (e.g. GED®, HiSET or TASC), Access to Literacy and Bridge to College programs. The AE division works closely with public libraries and school districts and other community-based organizations, in addition to various entities at the college.
For more information, please call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3513.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language (ESL) is designed to build the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of non-native English speakers. Classes are offered in the morning and evening to meet the needs of working adults. Classes are held at Triton and other locations throughout the district. In addition, the Adult Education Department offers citizenship courses. All classes are free. As classes tend to fill up quickly, early registration is strongly advised. For more information, please call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3513.
High School Equivalency Programs
These programs are designed to assist adults who do not have a high school diploma and wish to develop basic skills or prepare for the High School Equivalency Exam (e.g. GED®, HiSET, TASC). Classes are held in the morning and evening. Constitution review classes are offered on Saturdays. High School Equivalency courses are offered in Spanish and English.
For more information, please call (708) 456 0300, Ext. 3259.
Adult Literacy
The Access to Literacy Program is designed to help adults develop basic reading and writing skills in English or Spanish. The goal of this program is to assist adults with emerging literacies to transition into ESL or High School Equivalency classes. Volunteer tutors are trained to assist students in small group or individual tutoring sessions. For more information, please call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3730.
Bridge to College Programs
Students are co-enrolled in High School Equivalency classes and courses in Medical Career Preparation, College 101, Medical Math or Introduction to Medical Terminology. Students develop solid background knowledge essential for a variety of college credit courses within a career pathway. Bridge programs in STEM and Business are also available.
For more information, please call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3837.