Course Descriptions

Courses listed in this section are offered in university-transfer and career-education programs. (Continuing education courses are listed in a separate brochure.)Courses are arranged numerically within each discipline.

Within each description, information is arranged in this sequence:

  • Course code and numbering:
  • 001-099 are college success courses that include content and skills prerequisite to college-level course work.
  • 100-299 are courses designed primarily for career preparation that are applicable to AAS (associate in applied science) degree programs and career certificates. (Some courses may transfer to particular four-year colleges or universities and be applicable to specific majors.)
  • 100-299◊ symboled courses: See Degree Graduation Requirements for Additional information.
  • Number of semester hours of credit
  • Course title
  • Course description, which includes a general statement of the course objectives as well as materials, procedures and topics to be covered.
  • Prerequisite or corequisite courses, if any are required (no mention of prerequisites indicates none is required). Students may petition for waiver of course prerequisites/corequisites if they believe they have comparable experience or completed course work with similar content. Counselors can assist in this process.
  • Number of class hours expected for lecture or classroom practice and/or laboratory experience each week.
  • Any applicable fee
  • Code number of approved Triton College course by Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)

IAI Codes

IAI Codes for the General Education Core

C - Communication

M - Mathematics

P, LP* - Physical Sciences

L, LP - Life Sciences

H*, HF - Humanities; Humanities/Fine Arts;

F* - Fine Art

S* - Social and Behavioral Sciences

*Represents a number 1-9

IAI Code Suffixes for the General Education Core

D - Diversity

L - Lab

N - Non-Western

R - Research Paper

IAI Codes for Baccalaureate Majors

AG - Agriculture

ART - Art

BIO - Biological Sciences

BUS - Business

CHM - Chemistry

CRJ - Criminal Justice

CS - Computer Science

ECE - Early Childhood Education

EGL - English

EGR - Engineering

HST - History

MC - Media and Communication Arts

MTH - Mathematics

PHY - Physics

PLS - Political Science

PSY - Psychology

SOC - Sociology

TA - Theater Arts

Students should check their curricula to determine the recommended semesters for registering for a particular course; some courses may be canceled because of insufficient enrollment or for other reasons, and students will then need to consult with a counselor for adjustments in their -programs.

Counseling services, as detailed in the Student Information section of this catalog, are available to every student. Students who plan to apply Triton College credits toward a degree offered by four-year colleges should consult their counselor for assistance in planning their programs.