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Triton College Catalog 2024-2025
Course Descriptions
> MUS - Music
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ACC - Accounting
AHL - Allied Health
ANT - Anthropology
ARC - Architecture
ART - Art
AST - Astronomy
AUT - Automotive Technology
BAR - Barber
BIS - Biological Sciences
BOT - Biotechnology
BUS - Business
CHM - Chemistry
CHN - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CJA - Criminal Justice Admin
CMA - Certified Medical Assisting
COL - College Orientation
COT - Construction Technology
CSG - Counseling & Guidance
CWE - Cooperative Education
DMS - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EGR Engineering
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
ENG - English Literature & Comp
ENT - Engineering Technology
ENV - Environmental Science
FET - Facilities Engineering Tech
FIR - Fire Science Technology
GEO - Geography
GOL - Geology
HIA - Hospitality Industry Admin
HIS - History
HRT - Horticulture
HTH - Health Education
HUM - Humanities
IND - Independent Study
ITL - Italian
LIT - Literature
MAT - Mathematics
MCM - Mass Comm - Multimedia
MUS - Music
NAS - Nurse Assistant
NUR - Nursing
OPH - Ophthalmic Technician
PAR - Paralegal Studies
PED - Health, Sport & Exercise Science
PHL - Philosophy & Logic
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RAS - Radiologic Technology
REN - Renewable Energy Technology
RHT - English Rhetoric & Comp
RSC - Respiratory Care
SAT - Sustainable Agriculture Tech
SOC - Sociology
SPE - Speech Theatre
SPN - Spanish
SPT-Sterile Processing
SRT - Surgical Technology
SSC - Social Science
VIC - Visual Comm Graphic Design
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MUS - Music
MUS 100
Rudiments of Theory
MUS 101
Electronic Music Production
MUS 104
Music in America
MUS 105
Theory of Music I
MUS 106
Theory of Music II
MUS 110
Listening to Music
MUS 115
Sight-Singing and Ear Training I
MUS 116
Sight-Singing & Ear Training II
MUS 120
Record Production I
MUS 135
Keyboard Musicianship I
MUS 179
Applied Music - Instrumental
MUS 180
Applied Music - Piano
MUS 181
Applied Music - Voice
MUS 200
Improvisation I
MUS 201
Improvisation II
MUS 207
Theory of Music III
MUS 208
Theory of Music IV
MUS 215
Introduction to Music History
MUS 217
Sight Singing and Ear Training III
MUS 218
Sight-Singing & Ear Training IV
MUS 220
Record Production II
MUS 235
Keyboard Musicianship II
MUS 250
Concert Band
MUS 253
MUS 262
Choral Ensemble
MUS 266
Jazz Band
MUS 296
Special Topics in Music
Up one level
Course Descriptions