MAT 101 # ◊ Quantitative Literacy
Develop conceptual understanding, problem-solving, decision-making and analytic skills dealing with quantities and their magnitudes and interrelationships, using calculators and personal computers as tools. Includes: computing statistical measures such as central tendency and dispersion; computing correlation coefficients and regression equations; using normal distributions to test hypotheses; using logical statements and arguments in a real-world context; graphing functions and solving systems of equations and inequalities and modeling data; examination of voting methods and apportionment; and selecting and using appropriate approaches and tools in formulating and solving real-world problems.
IAI Gen Ed
MAT 080 or
MAT 085 or
MAT 096 (minimum grade 'C'), or required Math placement test score, or other placement options (see college placement policy)
Last Updated
8/8/2024 5:46:52 PM