Privacy Act and Directory Information

Students will be annually informed of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 through the Student Handbook. Copies of the college’s policy are available in the Office of Admissions (Room B-110 in the Student Center.)

A directory of records for all students will be maintained by the college. There will be three categories of directory information: 1) name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance and class; 2) previous institutions attended, major field of study, awards, honors and degree(s) conferred and associated dates; and 3) past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors such as height and weight of athletes and date and place of birth.

To withhold directory information from disclosure, students must notify the Admission and Records Office in writing at the beginning of each semester. Failure to make such a written request will indicate approval to disclose directory information by the college for any purpose, at its discretion. The vice president of Student Affairs will review and approve all requests for student directory information. Directory information will be provided when the vice president determines it is in the best interest of Triton College students. (All student records are maintained in the Records Office, Room B-220 in the Student Center.)