Message from the President


Since 1964, Triton College has provided high-quality educational programs and services to our community college district and beyond. The district, consisting of 25 surrounding communities, is diverse demographically with varied interests and needs for higher education. This year we celebrate the 60th founding anniversary of the college, a significant milestone in our commitment to impact lives through affordable, accessible, and relevant education. Embracing our past, Triton’s mission and vision today reflect our dedication to learner-centered engagement for growth and success.

Triton offers a comprehensive selection of academic programs, career-focused skills development, and services to meet the needs of each student. With more than 120 degree and certificate programs, we provide pathways for effective transfer to a 4-year college or university as well as the opportunity to pursue a viable career. A wide range of support services including tutoring, mentoring, and career services are readily available to facilitate student achievement. The college has sustained programs and enhanced offerings across curricular areas and additionally in Adult Education, Continuing Education, and Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment for high school students.

With the foundation of our institution firmly established, we strive to provide a meaningful learning experience for every student. I hope you will discover many opportunities at Triton designed to prepare you for success in reaching your goals

Welcome to Triton College!

Mary-Rita Moore

President, Triton College