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Triton College Catalog 2022-2023
Course Descriptions
> SSC - Social Science
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Degree and Certificate Requirements
Short-Term Professional Training and Continuing Education
Adult Education Programs
Arts and Sciences Programs
Applied Science Programs
Course Descriptions
ACC - Accounting
AHL - Allied Health
ANT - Anthropology
ARC - Architecture
ART - Art
BIS - Biological Sciences
BUS - Business
AST - Astronomy
CIS - Computer Information Systems
AUT - Automotive Technology
COT - Construction Technology
CWE - Cooperative Education
ECE - Early Childhood Education
BOT - Biotechnology
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
CHM - Chemistry
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
CHN - Chinese
ENT - Engineering Technology
FIR - Fire Science Technology
CJA - Criminal Justice Admin
HIS - History
HTH - Health Education
CMA - Certified Medical Assisting
COL - College Orientation
LIT - Literature
MAT - Mathematics
MUS - Music
CSG - Counseling & Guidance
PHL - Philosophy & Logic
DMS - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RAS - Radiologic Technology
REN - Renewable Energy Technology
RHT - English Rhetoric & Comp
SPE - Speech Theatre
EGR - Engineering
ENG - English Literature & Comp
ENV - Environmental Science
FET - Facilities Engineering Tech
GEO - Geography
GOL - Geology
HIA - Hospitality Industry Admin
HRT - Horticulture
HUM - Humanities
IND - Independent Study
ITL - Italian
MCM - Mass Comm - Multimedia
NAS - Nurse Assistant
NUR - Nursing
OPH - Ophthalmic Technician
PAR - Paralegal Studies
PED - Health, Sport & Exercise Science
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
SAT - Sustainable Agriculture Tech
SOC - Sociology
SPN - Spanish
SPT-Sterile Processing
SRT - Surgical Technology
SSC - Social Science
VIC - Visual Comm Graphic Design
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SSC - Social Science
SSC 190
Contemporary Society
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