Curriculum AUT.TRN.CERT (C447E)
The Transmission certificate program is designed to provide the student with skills necessary to seek entry-level employment at a transmission repair facility.
This program does not include all of the high-tech courses necessary for today’s master technician.
Instruction includes electricity and electronics for electrical applications to the transmission, complete brake system servicing, use of lathes for disc and drum-machining, asbestos safety control, transmission removal, overhaul and replacement, clutch replacement, universal joints, driveshafts, differential diagnosis and repair, and torque converter clutch systems.
At the successful completion of the Automotive Transmission Repair Certificate, the graduate will be able to:
- demonstrate industry knowledge through safety OSHA, EPA practices and procedures;
- diagnose transmission related issues based classroom theory and shop practices;
- explain others the most appropriate procedure to follow when removing, diagnosing, replacing or repairing a manual or automatic transmission;
- apply appropriate systematic approaches when looking to diagnose or repair a transmission; and
- determine the most appropriate piece of electronic or scanner equipment required to diagnose a manual or automatic transmission.
AUT 112 ◊ Introduction to Automotive Technology | | 3 credits |
AUT 127 ◊ # Automotive Electricity & Electronics I | | 4 credits |
| Total Semester Credits: | 7 |
AUT 136 ◊ # Brakes Systems | | 4 credits |
AUT 275 ◊ # Manual Transmissions & Drives | | 6 credits |
| Total Semester Credits: | 10 |
AUT 277 ◊ # Advanced Automatic Transmission & Repair | | 5 credits |
| Total Semester Credits: | 5 |