Student Right to Know

Triton College maintains a list of information, as required by federal law that is available for review by students, prospective students, and the general public, upon their request. The categories of information are shown below, and the campus location where the information is available is indicated for each.

Graduation/Completion and Transfer-Out Rates

Information is available on the numbers of degree-seeking or certificate-seeking students who complete their programs at the college. Also, the number of students who transfer out without completing their programs is reported.

This information is available at the Research Office, Room F-209, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3565.

Campus Crime Statistics and Security Policies

The following information is available for review:

  • crime statistics
  • current campus security policies
  • current policies for reporting campus crimes
  • policies for issuing security warnings to students/ employees
  • the status of allowing confidential reporting of crimes.

The Triton Police maintain a daily, written log of crimes that are reported.

This information is available in the student handbook, on the Triton College website, and at the Triton College Police, Room N-210, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3203.

Institutional Information

Descriptions of the following items are available to students and the general public:

  • requirements and procedures for withdrawing from the institution
  • cost of attendance (tuition/fee charges, books/supplies costs)
  • refund policy and summary of requirements for return of Title IV grants or loans
  • current academic programs of the institution (current degree programs, educational/training programs, faculty)
  • names of associations or agencies accrediting the institution
  • description of special facilities and services for disabled students
  • Triton’s policy on enrollment in study abroad programs

This information is available in the college catalog, on the website, and at the Records Office, Student Center, Room B-220, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3720, and at the Financial Aid Office, Student Center, Room B-160, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3155.

Annual Notification Required by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations)

A notice and explanation of Triton's policy relating to the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act regulations is available.

See Privacy Act and Directory Information of this catalog, and at the Records Office, Student Center, Room B-220, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3720.

Financial Assistance Available and Eligibility

Information about financial assistance and eligibility requirements is available, including:

  • types of aid available
  • application forms/procedures to use in applying for aid
  • eligibility requirements
  • selection criteria
  • criteria used to determine amount of aid award,
  • satisfactory student progress standards
  • how to re-establish satisfactory progress status
  • disbursement methods
  • loan qualifications and student employment conditions
  • conditions for federal loan repayment for students who participate in volunteer services

This information is available in this catalog and at the Financial Aid Office, Student Center, Room B-160, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3155.

Net Price Calculator

The Net Price Calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.  The federally required Net Price Calculator includes the estimated cost of attendance – including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses, less the estimated grant and scholarship aid received by students in a previous year.  Please be aware that the estimated cost of attendance includes expenses such as room and board, meals, personal, and transportation which may not apply to all students, particularly dependent students. Triton College’s Net Price Calculator can be found at

Athletic Participation and EADA (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act) Report and Data

Information about athletic program participation and financial aid programs is available. Enrollment data about Triton athletes is provided, as well as information about Triton's Inter-collegiate Athletics programs. Triton is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (Region IV).

This information is available at the Athletic Office, Robert M. Collins Center, Room R-202, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3784, and at the Financial Aid Office, Student Center, Room B-160, (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3155.