Programs of Study

University Transfer Programs
Associate in Arts Degrees

U224A31 Anthropology, BES.ANT.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A50 Art, VPA.ART.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A23 Communication Studies, VPA.SPE.AA (60-68 total program credits)
U224A43 Criminal Justice Administration, CJA.CJA.AA (60-65 total program credits)
U224A14 Early Childhood Associate in Arts Transfer Pathway – EDU.BTH.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A12 Elementary Education (1-6), EDU.EED.AA (61-62 total program credits)
              Secondary Education (Grades 9-12), EDU.SED.AA (61-62 total program credits)
              Special Education (Grades Pre-K through 12), EDU.SPC.AA (61-62 total program credits)
U224A21 English and Rhetoric, ENG.RHT.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A46 History, SOC.HIS.AA (60-68 total program credits)
U224A09 Mass Communication – Multimedia, VPA.MCM.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A16 Modern Languages, SOC.FLA.AA (61-65 total program credits)
U224A51 Music, VPA.MUS.AA (62-64 total program credits)
U224A52 Music Technology, VPA.MUT.AA (63-67 total program credits)
U224A38 Philosophy and Logic, BES.PHL.AA (60-66 total program credits)
U224A45 Political Science, SOC.PSC.AA (60-68 total program credits)
U224A42 Psychology, BES.PSY.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A44 Sociology/Social Work, BES.SWK.AA (60 total program credits)
U224A22 Theatre Arts, VPA.THE.AA (60-65 total program credits), (formerly Speech/Theatre)

U224G Credential - General Education Core Curriculum, GECC Credential
              AAC.CRD.CRD (37-41 total program credits)

Associate in Science Degrees

U230A06 Accounting and Business Administration, BUS.ACC.AS (61 total program credits)
              Anthropology, (see Associate in Arts section)
U230A26 Biological Sciences, SCI.BIS.AS (60 total program credits)
U230A28 Chemistry, SCI.CHM.AS (64 total program credits)
U230A11 Computer Science (Information Systems), CIS.CSI.AS (60-70 total program credits)
U230A12 Computer Science (Technical), CIS.CST.AS (60 total program credits)
U230A43 Criminal Justice Administration, CJA.CJA.AS (61-70 total program credits)
U230A08 Economics, SOC.ECO.AS (60-68 total program credits
U230A29 Environmental Science, SCI.ENV.AS (60 total program credits)
U230A33 Geology, SCI.GOL.AS (60 total program credits)
U230A36 Health, Sport & Exercise Science, HSE.PED.AS (60-62 total program credits)
              Sport & Recreation Specialty, HSE.SPR.AS
U230A07 International Business, SOC.IBU.AS (61-72 total program credits)
U230A27 Mathematics, MAT.MAT.AS (60-66 total program credits)
              Physical Education, (see Associate in Science section, Health, Sport & Exercise Science)
U230A34 Physics, SCI.PHY.AS (61-63 total program credits)
U230A30 Pre-Profession, SCI.PPO.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Dentistry, SCI.DNT.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Engineering, SCI.EGR.AS (61-63 total program credits)
              Pre-Medicine, SCI.MED.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Nursing, SCI.NUR.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Nutrition/Dietetics, SCI.NTR.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Occupational Therapy, SCI.THR.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Optometry, SCI.OPT.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Pharmacy, SCI.PHR.AS (60 total program credits)
              Pre-Veterinary, SCI.VET.AS (60 total program credits)

Sports Conditioning, (see Associate in Applied Science section)

Sports Management, (see Associate in Applied Science section)

L224A Associate in General Studies Degree,
          GEN.GEN.AGS (60 total program credits)

L224AP5 Undecided,

Career Programs
Associate in Applied Science Degree Programs

Degree, C206A, BUS.ACC.AAS (60-61 total program credits)
Certificate — Accounting Assistant C306A, BUS.ACC.CERT (31 total program credits)
Certificate — Bookkeeping, C416A, BUS.BKK.CERT (16 total program credits)
Advanced Certificate — Certified Public Accountant Pathway, C501A, BUS.CPA.CERT (32 total program credits)

Degree, C248A, ARC.ARC.AAS (60-64 total program credits)
Certificate — Architectural Technology, C448T, ARC.ARC.CERT (21 total program credits)
Certificate — Architectural Design, C448X, ARC.STD.CERT (32 total program credits)
Advanced Certificate — Building Information Modeling/BIM, C548M, ARC.BMA.CERT (6 total program credits) (formerly C448M, ARC.ABM.CERT)

Automotive Technology
Degree, C247D, AUT.AUT.AAS (67 total program credits)
Certificate — C347C, AUT.AUT.CERT (52 total program credits)
Certificate — Automotive Brake and Suspension, C447B, AUT.BRK.CERT (19 total program credits)
Certificate — Engine Performance, C447C, AUT.EGP.CERT (24 total program credits)
Certificate — Light Vehicle Maintenance, C447D, AUT.ENR.CERT (15 total program credits)
                    (formerly Automotive Engine Repair)
Certificate — Transmission Repair, C447E, AUT.TRN.CERT (22 total program credits)

Automotive Diesel and Transportation Technology
Degree, C209A, AUT.DSL.AAS (61 total program credits)
Certificate — Truck Brake and Suspension, C447G, AUT.CVT.CERT (20 total program credits)
                    (formerly CVT Brake and Suspension)
Certificate — Truck Drive Train Repair, C447I, AUT.TFR.CERT (26 total program credits)
Certificate — Truck Engine Repair, C447H, AUT.TER.CERT (16 total program credits)

Automotive General Motors/AC Delco
Degree, C247C, AUT.GMC.AAS (73 total program credits)

Automotive Honda/Acura (PACT)
Degree, C247J, AUT.PAC.AAS (72 total program credits)
Certificate — Honda/Acura (PACT), C347J, AUT.PAC.CERT (57 total program credits)

Automotive Service Department Management
Degree, C247E, AUT.SDM.AAS (64 total semester credits)

Baking and Pastry, (See Associate in Applied Science section, under Hospitality Industry Administration Culinary Arts)

Certificate (see Associate in Applied Science section, Selective Admission Programs)

Biotechnology Laboratory Technician
Degree, C226B, BIS.BTC.AAS (61-64 credits)

Building Information Modeling (BIM), (See Associate in Applied Science section, under Construction Technology)

Degree, Business Management, C206B, BUS.MGT.AAS (60-62 total program credits)
Certificate — Business Management, C306B, BUS.MGT.CERT (30 total program credits)
Certificate — Cannabis Dispensary, C408G, BUS.CDI.CERT (16 total program credits)
Certificate — Entrepreneurship, C406D, BUS.ETR.CERT (30-31 total program credits)
Certificate — Executive Assistant, C307D, BUS.ADA.CERT (28 total program credits)
Certificate — Financial Services, C306K, BUS.FSV.CERT (31 total program credits)
Certificate — Program Assistant, C407D, BUS.ADM.CERT (18 total program credits)
                    (formerly Administrative Assistant (and Office Assistant))
Certificate — Paralegal Studies, C510A, BUS.PAR.CERT (31 total program credits)
Certificate — Social Media Digital Marketing, C306L, BUS.SOC.CERT (30 total program credits)
Certificate — Supply Chain Management, C306M, BUS.SCM.CERT (30 total program credits)

Certified Medical Assistant
Certificate — C318A, CMA.CMA.CERT (32 total program credits)

Computer Information Systems
Degree, C207A, CIS.CIS.AAS (60-62 total program credits)
            CCNA Concentration, CIS.CNA.AAS
            Database Design Concentration, CIS.DDE.AAS
            Game and Program Development Concentration, CIS.GPR.AAS
            Linux Professional Concentration, CIS.LNX.AAS
Certificate — Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Preparation, C407W, CIS.CCN.CERT (12 total program credits)
Certificate — Office Applications-Prep for Microsoft Certification, C407O, CIS.OAP.CERT (6 total program credits)
Advanced Certificate — Windows Programming, C515C, CIS.WPA.CERT (18 total program credits)
Degree, Computer Network and Telecommunications Systems, C207F, CIS.CNT.AAS (60-62 credits)
Certificate — A+ Microcomputer Technician, C407N, CIS.APL.CERT (9 total program credits)
Certificate — Windows System Administrator, C407Z, CIS.WSA.CERT (18 total program credits)
Degree, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, C207S, CIS.CYB.AAS (60-62 total program credits)
Certificate — Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, C407S, CIS.CYB.CERT (24 total program credits)
                    Cybersecurity/CCNA Certification Concentration (C1), CIS.CNA.CERT (24 total program credits)
                    Cyber Forensics Concentration (C3), CIS.CYF.CERT (24 total program credits)
Degree, Software Development, C207G, CIS.SWD.AAS (60-62 total program credits)
Certificate — Cloud Computing, C407U, CIS.CLD.CERT (21 total program credits)
Certificate — Database Systems, C407V, CIS.DBS.CERT (24 total program credits)
Certificate — Linux System Administrator C405C, CIS.LSA.CERT (18 total program credits)
Certificate — Network Management, C407M, CIS.NTM.CERT (18 total program credits)
Certificate — Network Technician, C405B, CIS.NWT.CERT (12 total program credits) NEW
Certificate — Security Administrator, C405A, CIS.SAD.CERT (18 total program credits)
Certificate — Systems Administration, C407Y, CIS.SYA.CERT (24 total program credits)
Certificate — Web Design and Technologies, C407J, CIS.WEB.CERT (30 total program credits)

Construction Technology (formerly Independent Building Contractor)
Degree, C235A, ARC.IBC.AAS (61-63 total program credits), (formerly Building Information Modeling (BIM))
Certificate — Carpentry, C446G, ARC.CPT.CERT (17 total program credits)
Certificate — Construction Management, C346F, COT.MNT.CERT (30-32 total program credits)
Certificate — Plumbing, C446H, ARC.PLM.CERT (20 total program credits)

Criminal Justice Administration
Degree, C243A, CJA.CJA.AAS (60-62 total program credits)
Certificate — Law Enforcement, C443B, CJA.LAE.CERT (27 total program credits)
Certificate — Police Academy Training, C443E, CJA.PAT.CERT (24 total program credits)
Certificate — Reserve Officer Training, C443D, CJA.ROT.CERT (23 total program credits)

Diagnostic Medical Sonography (See Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Early Childhood Education
Degree, Early Childhood Education Associate in Applied Science, Career Pathway, C220A, EDU.ECE.AAS (60.5-62.5 total program credits) (formerly Early Childhood Career Pathway, Gateways to Opportunity Level IV Credential, Associate in Applied Science)
Certificate — Early Childhood Advanced Career Pathway Level III Certificate, Gateways to Opportunity Level III Credential C320A, EDU.ECE.CERT (28.5 total program credits)
Certificate — Early Childhood Career Pathway Level II Certificate, Gateways to Opportunity Level II Credential, C420C, ECE.CDA.CERT (16 total program credits)
Certificate — Infant/Toddler Care, C420B, EDU.ITC.CERT (22 total program credits)
Advanced Certificate — Early Childhood Administration and Management Advanced Certificate, Gateways to Opportunity Illinois Director Level I Credential, C520A, EDU.CCA.CERT (27.5 total program credits)

Emergency Medical Technician
Certificate — C444A, EMS.EMS.CERT (8 total program credits)

Engineering Technology
Degree, Mechanical Design, C248V, ENT.ENT.AAS (60-64 total program credits
Certificate — Design, C348B, ENT.DSN.CERT (25 total program credits)
Certificate — Electrical, C446I, ENT.ELC.CERT (16 total program credits)
Certificate  —Fabrication, C448S, ENT.FAB.CERT (24-26 total program credits)
Certificate — Robotics Welding, C448Z, ENT.RBW.CERT (22 total program credits)
Certificate — Welding, C448Y, ENT.WEL.CERT (16 total program credits)
Degree, Mechatronics, C249V, ENT.MEC.AAS (60-64 total program credits)
Certificate — Mechatronics, C448V,  ENT.MEC.CERT (21 total program credits), (formerly C548F)
Advanced Certificate — CAD, C548E, ENT.CAD.CERT (13 total program credits)

Facilities Engineering Technology
Degree, C280A, CE.FET.AAS (66 total program credits)
Certificate — C380A, CE.FET.CERT (33 total program credits)
Certificate — Commercial Building Sustainability C385A, FET.CMB.CERT (35 total program credits)
Certificate — Critical Systems Maintenance, C381A, CE.CSM.CERT (33 total program credits)
Certificate — Healthcare Facilities Maintenance, C382A, CE.HTH.CERT (33 total program credits)
Certificate — Hospitality Facilities Maintenance, C384A, CE.HOS.CERT (33 total program credits)
Certificate — Mobile Maintenance, C383A, CE.MOM.CERT (33 total program credits)

Fire Science
Degree, C243B, FIR.FIR.AAS (66 total program credits)
Certificate — C343A, FIR.FIR.CERT (39 total program credits)
Certificate — Basic Fire Prevention Officer, C444G, FIR.PRV.CERT (6 total program credits)
Certificate — Basic Operations Firefighter, C444D, FIR.BOP.CERT (16 total program credits)
Certificate — Company Fire Officer, C444E, FIR.CFO.CERT (13 total program credits)
Certificate — Fire Apparatus Engineer C444H, FIR.APP.CERT (3 total program credits)
Certificate — Fire Department Safety Officer C444I, FIR.SFT.CERT (6 total program credits)
Advanced Certificate — Fire Officer, C444F, FIR.AFO.CERT (14 total program credits)

Degree, C201A, HRT.HRT.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — Greenhouse Grow Operations C401H, HRT.GGO.CERT (16 total program credits)
Certificate — Grounds Maintenance, C401C, HRT.GRM.CERT (29 total program credits)
Certificate — Pesticide Applicator C401G, HRT.PAA.CERT (6 total program credits)
Degree, Sustainable Agriculture Technology, C201E, HRT.SAG.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — Sustainable Agriculture, C401I, HRT.SAG.CERT (30 total program credits)
Certificate — Sustainable Food Production, C401E, HRT.SFD.CERT (16 total program credits)

Hospitality Industry Administration
Degree, Culinary Arts, C206L, HIA.CUL.AAS (63 total program credits
Certificate  —Culinary Training, C420A, HIA.CUL.CERT (33 total program credits)
Degree, Baking and Pastry, C206M, HIA.BKG.AAS (63 total program credits)
Certificate — Baking and Pastry, C306H, HIA.BKG.CERT (31 total program credits)
Certificate — Beverage Management, C306J, HIA.BVM.CERT (30 total program credits)
Degree, Hotel/Motel Management, C206H, HIA.HMM.AAS (64 total program credits)
Certificate — Hotel/Motel Management, C406F, HIA.HMM.CERT (31 total program credits)
Degree, Restaurant Management, C206F, HIA.RST.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — Restaurant Management, C306C, HIA.RST.CERT (33 total program credits)

Human Resource Management
Degree, C206J, BUS.HRM.AAS (60-61 total program credits)
Certificate — C306F, BUS.HRM.CERT (30 total program credits)

Integrative Wellness
Certificate — C437A, HSE.IWL.CERT (9 total program credits) (NEW)

Nurse Assistant (See Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Nursing (see Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Ophthalmic Technician (see Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Personal Trainer
Certificate — C336A, HSE.PTR.CERT (20 total program credits)

Plumbing (See Associate in Applied Science section, under Engineering Technology)

Renewable Energy Technology
Degree, C260A, REN.REN.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — C360A, REN.REN.CERT (29 total program credits)

Respiratory Care (see Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Sports Conditioning
Certificate — C536B, HSE.SCP.CERT (9 total program credits)

Sports Management
Certificate- C436A, HSE.SMG.CERT (9 total program credits)

Sterile Processing Technician (see Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Surgical Technology (see Associate in Applied Science section, under Selective Admission Health Programs)

Vascular Technology (see Associate in Applied Science section, Selective Admission Health Programs, under Diagnostic Medical Sonography)

Visual Communication
Degree, Graphic Design, C248C, VIC.VIC.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — Graphic Design, C348C, VIC.GRD.CERT (30 total program credits)
Degree, Digital Photography, C249C, VIC.DPH.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — Digital Photography, C348O, VIC.DPH.CERT (30 total program credits), (formerly C448O)

Selective Admission Health Programs

Certificate — C319A, BAR.BAR.CERT (50 total program credits)

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Degree, C217E, DMS.DMS.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — C317E, DMS.DMS.CERT (38 total program credits)
Certificate — Vascular Technology in Sonography, C517G, DMS.VAS.CERT (16 total program credits)

Degree, C218A, NUR.NUR.AAS (60 total program credits)
Certificate — Nurse Assistant, C417E, NAS.NAS.CERT (6 total program credits)

Ophthalmic Technician
Degree, C217I, OPH.OPH.AAS (60-64 total program credits)

Radiologic Technology
Degree, C217C, RAS.RAS.AAS (60 total program credits)

Respiratory Care
Degree, C217C, RSC.RSC.AAS (68 total program credits)

Sterile Processing Technician
Certificate — C417G, SRT.SPT.CERT (12-14 total program credits)

Surgical Technology
Degree, C216C, SRT.SRT.AAS (63 total program credits)

Updated 6/4/24